The first talk session featured artist Motohiro Tomii and architect Ryuji Nakamura. Acting as moderator, Takeo Paper Show 2014 director Kenya Hara explained that Tomii, with his approach of creating sculptures by exploring the concepts of sculpture without being restrained by a sculptural framework, and Nakamura, with his approach of searching for the delicate realities of a space instead of producing architecture based on strength, both seemed to be ideal people to talk about the SUBTLE theme. Tomii described how when he attempted to express the destiny of paper as being easily and irreversibly damaged, and considered how to symbolize that tension, the corner of a sheet of paper was all that was required. Nakamura explained that his exhibit was produced as an experiment to discover whether or not fine control over details eliminates the vagueness that is one of the characteristics of paper. Finally, Hara commented that both Tomii and Nakamura demonstrated their ability to take subtle and original ideas and communicate them powerfully through a practical work. The session successfully brought out the commonalities between these two creators of the same generation who work in different areas.